Simple Ways to Help Our Medical Frontliners
August 7, 2020
We can win this war against COVID-19!
2020 has brought drastic changes not only in the lives of Filipinos, but throughout the human race. Since the first recorded case of COVID-19 in the Philippines, the number continues to increase and just recently we already hit
106K positive cases. Many hospitals have also reached their capacity which is why our
health workers pleaded for a “time out”.
“Our healthcare workers are sounding a distress call. We need a short breather, we are already exhausted,” PCP president Jose Santiago said in a recent virtual press briefing. He also pointed out that our health workers are burned out with an endless number of patients coming in for emergency care. On the other hand, The JRRMMC Employees Union-Alliance of Health Workers (EU-AHW) are “worried and anxious” about the worsening condition of their hospital, noting that the number of COVID-19 infections among health workers in the hospital is increasing. They are denouncing the death of one of their colleagues, Judy Bonn Suerte, who died due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on July 31.
We, Filipinos, are known for the bayanihan spirit. We must keep it alive in these trying times especially in providing help to our exhausted and tired health care workers who selflessly care for their patients. Here are some ways to help and protect them:
Stay home and follow safety protocols
The most basic thing everyone can do to support healthcare frontliners is to stay home. When we are all at home, we slow down the spread of COVID-19 infections. So as much as possible, limit going out for non-essential trips. When needed, stay at least six feet away from others and wear a mask at all times.
We need to have discipline and comply with this. The stay-at-home order limits the movement of people and also avoids overwhelming our medical workers and health care systems with the increasing number of infections.
Remember to act and think as if we have the virus. This behaviour would help us be mindful of the people around us. Let’s abide by protocols.
Show positivity
Post and repost positive quotes and appreciation, on our social media accounts, for our health workers who are being pushed to their limits in order to take care of the patients. They deserve our respect and concern.
Simple acts like this could cheer them up and make a difference.
Donate essentials
You can organize a team in your community who are willing to volunteer their time and help in preparing meals for the medical staff and workers.
Not all heroes wear capes. Our health care workers are our current modern heroes. So let’s not add to their burdens or put them at greater risks. A change in mindset, habits and behaviour could go a long way and will help the entire nation to flatten the curve.
Paramount joins everyone in honoring all the hardworks of our frontliners across the globe! Thank you for keeping us safe!