Taking Action Against Cancer

September 29, 2023

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Cancer is a complicated condition that can arise from a number of causes, such as genetic predisposition, environmental exposure, and dietary habits. While there is no guaranteed way to prevent this disease from developing, there are certain measures that can be adopted in order to reduce these risk factors.

In taking action to lower these risks, consider these lifestyle choices.

  1. Avoid the use of tobacco

Smoking has been associated with a variety of cancers, including kidney, mouth, throat, and lung cancer, to name a few. Exposure to secondhand smoke can also increase the risk of developing lung cancer. Therefore, giving up tobacco use and abstaining from it can be a crucial part of cancer prevention.

  1. Developing a healthy diet

The likelihood of acquiring cancer can be dramatically impacted by a number of dietary choices. Making little dietary and behavioral changes can have a big influence over time, especially for those with a family history of cancer. This covers moderate alcohol consumption and avoiding processed meats. Diets should instead be built around fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. 

  1. Be physically active and maintain a healthy weight

In general, doctors frequently advise patients to maintain a healthy weight and engage in regular physical activity for a better lifestyle. These, however, are also very important for preventing cancer. Scientists assert that, while physically active and at a healthy weight, the immune system may perform at its best. The body will then be better able to recognize and get rid of malignant cells. Additionally, staying physically active and maintaining a healthy weight controls inflammation, which increases cell division and leads to cancer.

  1. Get regular medical check-ups

The likelihood of detecting cancer early can be increased by performing routine self-exams and undergoing screenings for malignancies. When early treatment begins, the chances of success are heightened.

In addition to these lifestyle changes, having a protection plan that covers critical illnesses can be significant. Once a serious illness is identified, it can become challenging to proceed without taking extra precautions. For individuals ages 40–74, our PrimeHealth Cash Plan offers medical and life insurance at a reasonable rate, enabling you to live stress-free without having to worry about your financial situation. Premium prices start at PHP 228.95 per month. For more information, visit https://plgic.ph/PrimeHealthCashPlan.

Many things in life require careful thought and thorough preparation; hence, acquiring extra protection against illnesses may be vital.

